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Who is a good fit for the SALIGIA Ambassador Program?

· SALIGIA Ambassador Program is a gifting collaboration model - If you have a significant influence on Instagram but prefer a more casual sharing approach over affiliate partnerships, or if you currently have fewer than 10k followers but are willing to share, this is suitable for you.
· We will be launching Ambassador Programs on other social media platforms in the future, but for now, it's limited to Instagram.
· If you're willing to share SALIGIA links on your social media or other online mediums and earn commissions, you might want to consider the Affiliate Program.
· You can only apply for either the Affiliate Program or the Ambassador Program, not both.

Your task and perks

· Post over 3 pictures or 1 video longer than 15 secs on your Instagram.
· Tag our official account @saligia.
· Include #saligiamen hashtag in your captions or comments.
· If your post exhibit exceptional quality and be featured on our official #saligiamen page, you'll receive an extra $100 gift card as a bonus!

Gift Card Rules

· You can apply for a gift card from us every 3 months, and before issuing it, we will review your last post.
· Different gift card codes can be stacked (if you haven't used up the balance of your previous gift card, you can accumulate it for use with your newly acquired gift card).
· Gift cards have a permanent validity.

How to join?

· We manage Ambassador Program via Shopify Collabs. Click HERE to apply. We will respond to your application within 3 business days.
· Please note that it's required that you have at least 500 followers, 20 previous posts on your Instagram.
· Make sure your Instagram is public. We cannot review private accounts.
· Upon successful application, we will promptly send you a gift card or product gift option via email.