

At Saligia, we prioritize your privacy. California residents have the right to opt-out of data sharing as defined by the California Consumer Privacy Act. You can find detailed information about how we handle your data in our privacy policy. Rest assured, we don't sell your data for profit; we only share it with authorized advertising partners.

We also want to inform you about our use of cookies on our website.

Advertising cookies
Advertising cookies help tailor ads to your browsing habits. You can still see our product ads if you disable these cookies, but we won't share your data with advertising partners as a logged-in user.

Required Cookies
Required Cookies are essential for our website to function. They don't store personal info and handle basic site functions. Note that Required Cookies cannot be disabled.

Privacy Choices and Account Management
If you do not wish to have cookies recorded, please use a browser that supports Global Privacy Control (GPC). If you would like to request the deletion of your account, please use the webform provided on this page or contact us directly via email at You may do so at any time, even if you have previously opted in. Each request must include your first and last name, and we may request additional information to ensure proper processing. If you have any questions or require assistance with deleting your account, please feel free to contact us.