

Displayed prices include taxes and duties.



Payment Methods:
We accept Apple Pay, Google Pay, and all major credit and debit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.

Modifying or Canceling Orders:
Orders are typically shipped from our warehouse within 1-2 business days. In the event that you wish to cancel an order that has not yet been shipped, you can simply visit the "My Orders" page and submit a cancellation request. Once a cancellation request is submitted, the order status will be changed to "On Hold for Shipping," and our team will process your cancellation request within 1 business day, with the payment being refunded through the original payment method. If your order has already been shipped, we may not be able to make changes, we will do our best to find a solution.Please contact our customer service team at

Forgot to Add a Promo Code or Referral Credit:
No worries! If you forgot to apply a promo code or referral credit, feel free to reach out to our customer service team at They will assist you in applying the promo code or credit to your order.

Sales Tax and Duties:

We collect sales tax in the U.S. as required by law. The exact sales tax for your order will be calculated and displayed after you enter your address information during checkout. For international orders, additional duties and taxes may be required upon the package's arrival in your country. These charges are the responsibility of the recipient and are determined by the customs authority of the destination country. While we will provide guidance through the process, please note that we have no control over these charges.

If you choose to refuse delivery due to these charges, the cost of return shipping and any additional fees incurred will be deducted from your refund once the package is returned to our warehouse.


Countries We Ship To:
We offer worldwide shipping to most countries and regions. We have partnered with well-known global carriers like UPS and DHL, who are experts in logistics and transportation. Our shipping packaging is specially designed to endure the challenges of complex transportation environments, guaranteeing that your items arrive in perfect condition.

Shipping Origin:
Orders within the United States will typically be shipped from our California warehouse within 1-2 business days after order placement. In cases of warehouse shortages, orders will be shipped from the nearest alternative warehouse.

Shipping Costs:
With the exception of select products, With the exception of select products, we provide free shipping on orders over $100 to the 48 contiguous United States and free shipping on orders over $200 to other countries. Shipping charges apply to orders that do not meet these minimums, and you can see the calculated shipping cost during checkout.. Shipping charges apply to orders that do not meet these minimums, and you can see the calculated shipping cost during checkout.

Delivery Timeframes:
Upon shipment, you will receive a tracking number to monitor your package's progress. Delivery times usually range from 1-3 business days for the 48 contiguous states in the U.S., 3-5 business days for Canada and Europe, and 5-7 business days for other countries. Please note that holiday periods or unusual circumstances may lead to longer delivery times. We recommend monitoring your order's tracking information closely. Rest assured, we will make every effort to get your order to you as quickly as possible!

Tracking Your Order:
Once your order is placed, our products generally ship from our warehouse within 1-2 business days. After shipment, you will receive a tracking number to follow your package's journey.


Return and Exchange Policy:
We take pride in the quality of our products and are confident that you'll love them. If, for any reason, you're not satisfied with your product, we're here to assist with troubleshooting or initiating the return or exchange process. To qualify for a return or exchange, the product(s) must be clean, undamaged, unwashed, in their original packaging for return within 14 days of delivery. Please note that the following products do not meet the return conditions:
- Opened packaged underwear
- Gift Cards
- Any final sale products

Return Shipping Costs:
During the 14-day return and exchange period, we offer free return shipping for quality-related issues globally. If you return an item due to personal preferences, you are responsible for the return shipping cost. Upon receiving the return, we will refund the full order value, including shipping fees.

Initiating a Return or Exchange:
Starting a return or exchange is simple. You can easily initiate the process through our return program by entering your order number and email address. We'll process your request within 1-3 business days.

Refund Timeline:
Our warehouse typically takes 1-3 business days to process returns. Once your return is processed, we will issue a refund to your original payment method. Please allow 1-3 business days for the refund to reflect in your original payment method. We also offer alternative refund methods, such as gift cards and discount vouchers.

Need Further Assistance?
If you still have questions, simply send an email to or use the form on the page. Our support team will get back to you within 24 hours.